Homemade Spa Recipes for Sleepovers and Spa Birthday Parties

Just added to our website:

Homemade Spa Recipes

Perfect for Sleepovers and Spa Birthday Party Themes for kids, tweens and teens.

We’ve listed our favorite spa treatments, facials, masks, bath salts, scrubs and more.  All easy to make with ingredients you have at home.   Easy enough to let the kids help you make them at the party.

There is even a Chocolate Facial Mask – yum!

Use these free recipes for your next spa themed birthday party or sleepover.   Be sure and print out the recipes you use so you can send them home with guests.

Click here for a list of all the homemade spa recipes

See our Spa Birthday Party Ideas page for lots of great ideas on hosting a Spa birthday party.   You will find fun ideas for decorations, invitations, party games, activities, food and much more.

Do you have a favorite homemade spa recipe?  Let us know and we’ll list it on the website!
Birthday Party Ideas 4 Kids


16 thoughts on “Homemade Spa Recipes for Sleepovers and Spa Birthday Parties

  1. I ‘m having a spa sleepover and I have to bring at lest 4 things welll spaie ( for a spa ) and i have a foot massager 3 there are only three people going just too tell you I am also bringing a face scrub i was going to brig nail polish but the other girl has that coverd what should i bring????

    1. you could type or write short descriptions on how the other things you brought work and what is going to happen when you do the treatments, or you could bring magazines for the “patients” to read while their treatment is being done!!!

  2. My favourite spa recipe is to squeeze lemon juice into a bowl of mashed avocato and mashed banana. it feels REALLY weird, but it totally cleans clogged pores, removes dry skin and makes your skin alot softer!!

  3. Hi Im having a birthday pary next week and its a (spa) theme…..i have no idea what to do!!!! Any help would be awesome!


  4. This website is so awesome! It has such good ideas! I have my own website, spa and makeup related. It’s suppppperrrrrr cheap and ALL NATURAL products…….check us out @ spagirlshudson.webs.com
    Thanks for some ideas,

  5. Tomorrow nights the night! Spa sleepover pool party for all the girls and one very brave boy at a fancy hotel in the city! Got some great ideas from this website so I’ll let you all know how it goes! Can’t wait! I’m so excited, but nervous! So wish me luck, I mean the kids luck…. Lol Oh, and PS. Happy Birthday Gianna Marie xoxoxo

  6. wow this stuff is really great it really does work and i think this is what im gonna have for my party yayayayayay thanks alote and yea thats all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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